Video-game reviews, rants, pants and purpleness

Friday 28 November 2008

Mr Sandman, bring me a dream

I've heard about Baby P, and good god, this is probably the sickest thing I've heard in years. For those who don't know, for his 2 years on this planet - Baby P was tortued by his mother, stepdad and lodger, they cut the top ends of his fingers off and pulld the nails out, they made him watch repeated videos of hitler and teach him the Nazi salute, they just grabbed him at anytime and bit him all over. I can't think of anything so sick.

Now I ain't been sleeping too good for the last few days, and this stomach turner was enough to make me abandon ship on the politics article r.s.s, it'll get here... eventually. But for now, I hope those fuckers get seriously fucking beaten up like they deserve to, as if you'd fucking do that to your own child - either your heartless, mentally deranged or just fucked up, and I think they're all 3.

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